Warding Tips

League Tips

Warding is one of the easiest things to improve at in League. It increases Map Awareness which allows us all to make better decisions. Here are some videos and tips I’ve collected from various sources that can help us all improve. This post is ‘in-progress’ so I’ll be adding more to it as I have time. If you have any tips or additional recommendations please share them with me on Discord and I’ll add them to this post.

General Warding/Vision Tips

  • Look at the Minimap every 3 seconds
  • Place deep wards when enemy jg is across map
  • Defend wards when able

A guide to warding in League of Legends

This is an old article but still full of good tips and basic reasoning.

Laning Phase: Deep Wards

  1. Enemy: Between Blue Buff and Gromp (place when enemy jg is on other side of map)
    • Tip: Place around 6/6:15 when blue respawns for potential jg gank
  2. Enemy Wolf Pit
  3. Enemy Bush across from Red Buff (end closest to red buff)
    • Best as a Control Ward
  4. Enemy Raptor Bush

Shallow/Defensive Wards

  1. River Bushes (best as control wards)
  2. Enemy Jungle Entrances (river bushes)
  3. Pixel Bush
  4. River Bush near far end or in river closer to pit (only if freezing near your tower)

After Laning Ends

  1. Enemy Tier 2 Tower (ruins)
    • This gives vision of when the enemy team rotates for dragon/baron

Lots of good tips and reasoning explained in this video.

  1. Don’t ward close to your lane
  2. Don’t ward without a reason
    • What’s going on on the map?
    • Where is the enemy jg?
    • What objective is coming up next?
  3. Pay attention to ward graves

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